Citation for published item: vintonD uFiF nd poxD wFeF nd ¦ lssonD vFyF nd fryeD wFF @PHISA 9yligo@pEphenyleneethynyleneA @yiA moleulr wires X synthesis nd length dependene of photoindued hrge trnsfer in yis with trirylmine nd diryloxdizole end groupsF9D ghemistry X iuropen journlFD PI @IHAF ppF QWWUERHHUF Further information on publisher's website: httpXGGdxFdoiForgGIHFIHHPGhemFPHIRHTHVH Publisher's copyright statement: his is the peer reviewed version of the following rtileX vintonD uF iFD poxD wF eFD ¦ lssonD vFEyF nd fryeD wF F @PHISAD yligo@pEphenyleneethynyleneA @yiA woleulr iresX ynthesis nd vength hependene of hotoindued ghrge rnsfer in yis with rirylmine nd hiryloxdizole ind qroupsF ghemistry E e iuropen tournlD PI @IHAX QWWUERHHUD whih hs een pulished in (nl form t httpXGGdxFdoiForgGIHFIHHPGhemFPHIRHTHVHF his rtile my e used for nonEommeril purposes in ordne ith ileyEgr erms nd gonditions for selfErhivingF Additional information:
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