Differential cross sections and photon-beam asymmetries for the γp → π + n reaction have been measured for 0.6< cos θ π <1 and E γ =1.5-2.95 GeV at SPring-8/LEPS. The cross sections monotonically decrease as the photon beam energy increases for 0.6< cos θ π <0.9. However, the energy dependence of the cross sections for 0.9< cos θ π <1 and E γ =1.5-2.2 GeV (W =1.9-2.2 GeV) is different, which may be due to a nucleon or ∆ resonance. The present cross sections agree well with the previous cross sections measured by other groups and show forward peaking, suggesting significant t-channel contributions in this kinematical region. The asymmetries are found to be positive, which can be explained by ρ-exchange in the t-channel. Large positive asymmetries in the small |t| region, where the ρ-exchange contribution becomes small, could be explained by introducing π-exchange interference with the s-channel.