In this work, an improved quark model approach to the ω meson photo-production with an effective Lagrangian is presented. The t-channel natural-parity exchange is taken into account through the Pomeron exchange, while the unnatural-parity exchange is described by the π 0 exchange. With a very limited number of parameters, the available experimental data in the low energy regime can be consistently accounted for. We find that the beam polarization observables show sensitivities to some s-channel individual resonances in the SU (6) ⊗ O(3) quark model symmetry limit. Especially, the two resonances P13(1720) and F15(1680), which belong to the representation [56, 2 8, 2, 2, J], have dominant contributions over other excited states. Concerning the essential motivation of searching for "missing resonances" in meson photo-production, this approach provides a feasible framework, on which systematic investigations can be done.