A reggeized model for η and η ′ photoproduction on the nucleon is presented. In this model, t-channel vector meson exchanges are described in terms of Regge trajectories to comply with the correct high energy behavior. We compare this reggeized model with an isobar model (η-MAID), where the t-channel exchanges are described by ρ and ω poles. Both models contain the same resonance contributions, and describe current γp → ηp data up to E lab γ = 2 GeV quite well, but only the reggeized model can be successfully extended to higher energies. For the γp → η ′ p reaction, the reggeized model is found to be able to give a satisfactory description. For the differential cross section data from SAPHIR, we find that the observed linear forward rise in cos θ near E lab γ = 1.6 GeV can be well described by the interference of an S 11 resonance and the Regge trajectory exchanges without any need for an additional P -wave resonance.