We investigate photoproduction of ω off a nucleon target γN → ωN by using a Reggeized model where π(135) + σ(500) + f1(1285) + f2(1270)+Pomeron exchanges are included in the t-channel for the reaction at forward angles. The reaction mechanism at low energy is featured by the dominance of the π exchange with the absorptive cuts introduced to modulate the pion contribution to both γp → ωp and γn → ωn reactions. Necessity of σ exchange is illustrated in the analysis of the cross section from natural parity exchanges. Cross sections for differential, total, and spin density matrix with parity and beam polarization asymmetries are reproduced and compared with existing data on γp → ωp. Scaled differential cross sections of Jefferson Lab data on γp → ωp are investigated at the production angle θ = 90 • with the nonlinear trajectories for a saturation. Differential and total cross sections for the γn → ωn reaction are analyzed to compare with recent experimental data at the CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration. An application to the γp → ω∆ + reaction is presented to demonstrate the significance of the π exchange in the total and differential cross sections. PACS numbers: 11.55.Jy, 13.40.-f, 13.60.Le for unnatural parity (P = −(−1) J ) exchanges.The Regge propagator is given bywritten in the collective form for the ϕ meson of spin-J which stands for all the mesons considered here. s 0 = 1 GeV 2 . The phase factor is, in general, taken to be of the canonical form, 1 2 [(−1) J + e −iπαJ (t) ], for each meson exchange. Photon and vector meson polarizations