The theory of scattering and production reactions on deuterium is developed with a view to the extraction of neutron target amplitudes from analysis of deuterium experiments. Corrections to the spectator model due to the following effects are examined: target particle binding corrections to the Impulse Approximation; (ii) the Pauli principle in charge exchange reactions; (iii) internal or „Fermi”︁ motion of the target particles; (iv) multiple scattering and final state interactions. The closure approximation and the general analysis of single‐arm spectrometer experiments are discussed. The connection at high energies and small momentum transfers between the general Watson Theory and the Glauber model is established, and the results of calculations of deuterium corrections for pion and rho photoproduction at high energies are reviewed. “Fresnel” and recoil corrections to Glauber theory are examined. An approximation scheme suitable to the analysis of high energy wide angle coincidence or bubble chamber experiments is developed. A special examination is made of the breakdown of the impulse approximation in the 3‐3 resonance region, and of the applicability of lowest order binding and in multiple scattering corrections in this sensitive kinematical region.