Halobacterium salinarum displays four distinct kinetic forms of M-intermediate in its bacteriorhodopsin photocycle. In wild-type, there are mainly two species with time constants near 2 and 5 ms. Under various kinds of stress, two other species arise with time constants near 10 and 70 ms. We show that these four species are interconvertible. Increases in membrane hydrophobicity convert the slower to faster forms. Perturbations caused by Triton X-100 or mutations convert faster to slower forms. The fastest form requires a hydrophobic membrane environment near a ring of four charged aspartate residues in the trimer, namely Asp36, Asp38, Asp102, and Asp104 in the cytoplasmic loop regions. Interconversions of the 2-ms and 5-ms species of the wildtype are accomplished by pH-changes. The potential significance of these findings is discussed.Keywords: enzyme control; lipid-protein interactions; membrane proteins; proton pumps.Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) is a light-driven, energy-transducing proton pump located in the cell membrane of Halobacteria (for a review of its characteristics and history see , and forms two new, much slower M-intermediates, M10 (s % 10 ms) and M70 (s % 70 ms), while leaving the trimer structure of BR intact; (b) normal photocycle kinetics (pH 7), are reestablished by addition of a sonicated aqueous extract of halobacteria lipids at high salt concentration (>2 M NaCl). This latter finding indicates the necessity for neutralization of opposing charges in the reconstitution process [3]. Reconstitution in the absence of a high salt concentration can be accomplished by lowering the pH. Titration of the extent of reconstitution vs. pH of the medium produced a Henderson-Hasselbalch curve with an apparent pK near 5 [3]. Adding the isolated lipids individually and in groups showed that the most hydrophobic lipid in purple membrane (PM), squalene (SQ), specifically induces Mf formation and that this reconstitution requires the presence of phosphatidyl glycerophosphate methyl ester (PGP-Me) [3]. A likely role of PGP-Me in this reconstitution is its ability to disperse SQ in the form of micro vesicles or unstable miscelles that are commonly found in sonicated preparations. A working hypothesis based on these findings is that negatively charged lipid has to approach a negative charge on the surface of BR, most probably an external acidic amino acid. The negatively charged lipid is attributed to PGP-Me acting as a carrier for SQ. The requirements of Mf activity include a hydrophobic environment (i.e. SQ) near charged acidic amino acids on BR. In this view, we consider the membrane as a heterogenious component comprised of microdomains with unequal lipid composition. The Mf-elicting photocycles would be present in areas containing SQ whereas the Ms-eliciting photocycles would operate in areas depleted of SQ.In the current studies, this hypothesis is subjected to further evaluation. We show that increasing the overall hydrophobicity of the membrane by adding decane causes the transformation of Ms into Mf and that th...