We report the conversion of a large fraction of formamide (NH 2CHO) to high-molecular-weight compounds attributed to nucleoside bases on the surface of a TiO 2 (001) single crystal in ultra-high vacuum conditions. If true, we present previously unreported evidence for making biologically relevant molecules from a C1 compound on any single crystal surface in high vacuum and in dry conditions. An UV light of 3.2 eV was necessary to make the reaction. This UV light excites the semiconductor surface but not directly the adsorbed formamide molecules or the reaction products. There thus is no need to use high energy in the form of photons or electrical discharge to make the carbon-carbon and carbon-nitrogen bonds necessary for life. Consequently, the reaction products may accumulate with time and may not be subject to decomposition by the excitation source. The formation of these molecules, by surface reaction of formamide, is proof that some minerals in the form of oxide semiconductors are active materials for making high-molecular-weight organic molecules that may have acted as precursors for biological compounds required for life in the universe.photoreaction ͉ titanium oxide ͉ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy T he origin of life is the most essential question that the human mind has probed. Explanations diverge and depend on one's individual beliefs and sociological environment. Among several theories regarding the formation of biological molecules needed for life, those considering mineral surfaces are the most appealing because of their simplicity. These minerals may act as a template providing directionality, a surface on which accumulation of molecules occurs (concentration effect), and as catalytic materials, reducing the activation energy for the formation of the reaction intermediate. These theories, originating from the work of Oparin (1), Haldane (2), and Bernal (3), have found both conceptual (4) and experimental (refs. 5-8, among others) interest over the years. Although both the earth and intergalactic particles contain semiconductor oxides that may be activated by the presence of light, very few studies have addressed their activity (see ref. 9, where the photoreaction in the liquid phase of formamide was studied in presence of titanium dioxide, and references therein), and none have been performed as a solidgas system and͞or on well-defined atomically clean surfaces in ultra-high vacuum conditions. Some work has focused on direct activation with strong UV light (Ϸ7-8 eV; 1 eV ϭ 1.602 ϫ 10 Ϫ19 J) of C1 organic compounds deposited on ice to make amino acids (10, 11), but over time this same light (because of its high energy) will decompose the reaction products. However, light of the order of 3 eV does not decompose organic compounds, but is absorbed by wide band-gap oxide semiconductors such as TiO 2 . As a result, electron͞energy transfer may occur from the surface of the semiconductor to the adsorbate, initiating a photoreaction that otherwise could not be achieved. One of the most positive points...