. Can. J. Chem. 53,2430Chem. 53, (1975. There have been several studies of the charge transfer photochemistry of aqueous Fe3+ but the complexity of hydrolytic equilibria and the requirement for scavengers to render the primary photochemical processes observable has left several issues moot as recent reports show. Using terr-butyl alcohol as a scavenger, it .is shown that (at 35 "C), charge transfer irradiation at 254 nm of Fe(OH2)63+ gives free .OH with a quantum yield of 0.065, charge transfer irradiation of Fe(OH2),C12+ at 350 nm gives free C1. with a quantum yield of 0.093, and that as a result of the combined patterns of extinction coefficients and hydrolytic equilibria it is difficult to make Fe(OH2)50H+ the main absorbing species at either wavelength. The dihydroxo-bridged dimer gives only a small radical yield. The scavenger, rerr-butyl alcohol, appears to react with .OH or CI. to give .CH2-C(CH3)20H which, on reaction with a second Fe(OH2)63+ gives HOCH2C(CH3)2OH.