The growth of high resistivity CdTe and (Cd,Zn)Te is successfully performed with different kinds of doping. In the literature intentionally undoped as well as doped crystals are presented with resistivities up to 10 10 Ωcm. In this paper we review the growth of high resistivity CdTe and (Cd,Zn)Te. The mechanism of compensation is discussed regarding the different dopants and deep levels, which seem to be responsible for the high resistivity. A common compensation model explains the high resistivity by deep levels. The doping and the influence on the compensation mechanism is compared for several elements like tin, germanium and chlorine. The material properties and the crystal quality of undoped and doped CdTe as well as (Cd,Zn)Te are shown.
Dedicated to Professor K. W. Benz on the occasion of his 65th birthday.