The photosystem I (PS I) reaction center is a chlorophyll protein complex located in thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. PS I mediates a light-induced electron transfer through a serial of redox reactions.[1] It is intriguing to incorporate the PS I into optoelectronic circuits, since the PS I exhibits outstanding optoelectronic properties found only in the photosynthetic systems. The quantum yield for absorbing a photon within the whole complex is determined to be close to 100 %, while the energy yield for the process is approximately 58 %.[1] The nanoscale dimension and the generation of 1 V photovoltage further makes the PS I reaction center a promising unit for applications in molecular optoelectronics. [2][3][4][5][6] Utilizing a unique cysteine (Cys) mutation at the end of PS I, we demonstrate a four-step chemical procedure based on carbodiimide chemistry for covalent binding of PS I proteins to carbon nanotubes (CNTs). [7] The method allows studying hybrid nanosystems for the construction of optoelectronic devices based on PSI-CNTs heterostructures. Three variations in the design of PSI-CNT hybrid structures are presented which allow exploiting the potential of PS I as an integrated part of CNT nanodevice for optoelectronic applications. Recently, we have demonstrated the possibility to covalently bind PS I directly to gold surfaces [5] and indirectly via a small linker molecule to GaAs surfaces. [6] To this end, amino acids in the extra membrane loops of the PS I facing the cytoplasmic side of the bacterial membrane (oxidizing side) were mutated to cysteines (Cys) enabling the formation of covalent bonds with a metal surface or a chemically functionalized GaAs surface. The Cys located at extra membranal loops of the protein do not have steric hindrance, when placed on a solid surface e.g. of a gold electrode or CNTs as shown here.The mutations D235C/Y634C were selected near the special chlorophyll pair P700 to allow close proximity between the reaction center and the CNTs. [5] As depicted by white arrows in Figure 1, here we utilize a PS I with two mutants on the oxidizing side of the PS I. This single sided mutant ensures a high outcome of our chemical self-assembly procedure. For a variation of our chemical scheme we also use bipolar (BM) mutants, where the mutations are located at both the oxidizing (white arrows) and the reducing side of the PS I (gray arrow). Our self-assembly approach facilitates efficient electronic junctions and avoids disturbance in the function of the reaction center. The covalent attachment of the PS I through the Cys further ensures the structural stability of the self-assembled, oriented PS I. As demonstrated recently, [5,6] a dry oriented monolayer of PS I assembled on gold electrodes and GaAs surfaces exhibits charge transfer between PS I and the solid state surface. In this work, we extend the above chemical scheme in order to covalently attach PS I proteins to CNTs. The hybrid systems are characterized by atomic force microscopy and COMMUNICATION