Bryophyte photosynthesis in sunflecks: greater relative induction rate than in tracheophytes Jiri K u b a s e k 1'2 , T o m a s H a j e k 2,3, J a n ic e M . G lim e 4 1G lobal Change Research Centre, ASCR, Brno, Czech R epublic, d e p a r tm e n t o f E xperim ental Plant Biology, Faculty o f Science, U niversity o f S outh B ohem ia, Branisovska 31, CZ-370 05 Ceske B udejovice , Czech Republic, in s t it u t e o f B otany o f ASCR, D ukelska 135, CZ-379 82 Trebon, Czech Republic, d e p a r tm e n t o f B io lo g ica l Sciences, M ichigan T echnolog ical U niversity, 219 H u b b e ll St., H oughton, Ml 49931, USA Photosynthetic kinetics in ch an g in g light intensity is conside re d pivotal for the survival of understorey tracheophytes; however, it is virtually unknown for bryophytes because bryophytes and trache o ph yte s have contrasting p h ysio-e co lo gical strategies. A natom y su gg e sts that relative rate of photosynthetic induction is faster in b ryo ph yte gam eto ph yte s due to the abse n ce of stom ata, w hose slow response m ay lim it photosynthesis of tra che o ph yte leaves in ch an g in g light intensity. We m easured steady-state and d yna m ic C 0 2 excha n ge in 10 bryo ph yte species. We perform ed an in-depth survey of the m oss Hypnum cupressiforme sam pled from sun and shade sites. O ur key results are: (1) B ryophyte photosynthesis after 110 © B r it is h B r y o lo g ic a l S o c ie ty 2014 DO I 1 0 .1 1 7 9 /1 7 4 3 2 8 2 0 1 4 Y .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 P u b lis h e d o n lin e 7 A p r il 2014 J o u rn a l o f B ry o lo g y 2014 VOL. 36 n o . 2 K u b ase k e t al.