Photography has been a tool for visual expression for almost two centuries. If owning a camera was a privilege in the past, technological development in the 21st century has made the camera a standard tool used as a means of everyday life interpersonal communication. While the verbal communication (spoken language) can vary among individuals, groups and cultures, the visual language functions as a common denominator among most cultures, allowing the expression of personal world emotionally and cognitively. This form of visual language can be used to bridge students from different cultures that yet did not understand or even tried to get to know each other, and even improve learning skills and wellbeing. This theoretical article presents and discusses photography as a tool used by education systems concerning the Photovoice model, an immersive learning method that promotes active-real-world problem solving, shows unique virtues in the interdisciplinary aspect, and advances student-driven teams and high-impact learning experiences. Also, we argue that by using the Photovoice model, one can influence personal development and change, the experience of success, long-term memory, relationship skills, academic skills, problem-solving, and well-being. All these variables facilitate psycho-emotional changes allowing the participants to speak out, share knowledge and ideas and learn from each other by using pictures. The article aims to emphasize an educational model that uses the photographic tool to take advantage of educational aspects that are currently available to almost everyone and can contribute to meaningful learning and better communication between students, contributing to a positive learning environment.