Investments in green energy are necessary due to, among other reasons, the growing expectations of stakeholders, climate change, limited natural resources, and improved quality of life. Unfortunately, the costs of implementing pro-environmental activities related to investing in technologies using alternative methods of obtaining energy are significant, which is why more and more entities are analyzing their profitability. The aim of this study, as part of a case study, is to assess the energy investment in PV panels in the logistics center (LC) being built in Central Pomerania. The analyzed investment fits into the activities of the development perspective of the renewable energy sources sector and is also very important from the perspective of shaping the conditions and stable development of the energy industry in Poland. The study proved that such a large investment, taking into account various forms of financing, will pay off within 15 years, which is a very good result from the point of view of its durability. The best variant of capital involvement is the option 20 (own capital)/80 (outsourced capital), which, among other things, confirms (in thousands of euros) NPV = 4.43, NPV (TGeBase) = 0.04, and NPV (CAPEX) = 4.32.