Phycoerythrin 545 from the cryptomonad alga, Rhodomonas lens, has been crystallized under a wide variety of conditions. Although this type of photosynthetic light-harvesting protein is water soluble, detergents were always required for crystallization. The crystals were typically poorly ordered, or ordered in only two dimensions. However, crystals that were well-ordered in three dimensions could be obtained under two different conditions. Both used polyethylene glycol as precipitant and the detergent lauryldimethylaminoxide, but the additives that were critical for obtaining well-ordered crystals were propionamide in one case and Csf/Br-in the other. Crystals obtained in the presence of propionamide have the space group P212121, with cell constants of a = 85.6 A, b = 108.2 A, and c = 131.0 A, and contain two dimers [i.e., 2 X (a2p2)] in the asymmetric unit. They show diffraction to at least 3.0 8, resolution. The crystals grown with Csf/Br-are nearly isomorphous. Both types of crystals show intense, strongly polarized fluorescence, suggesting that energy transfer in the crystals is highly efficient. This should provide a basis for quantitative investigation of the role of exciton interactions in energy transfer in cryptomonad phycobiliproteins.
Keywords:Cryptophyceae; detergent; light-harvesting protein; photosynthesis; phycobiliprotein; propionamide; protein crystal; X-ray diffraction Photosynthetic light-harvesting proteins contain pigments that absorb photons and transfer excited-state energy to photosynthetic reaction centers, where the captured energy initiates an excited-state oxidation reaction of a specialized set of pigments that leads to charge separation across the photosynthetic membrane. In most organisms, light harvesting is performed mainly by chlorophyll-containing membrane proteins. However, cyanobacteria, red algae, and cryptomonad algae possess additional light-harvesting proteins, called phycobiliproteins, which are water-soluble and contain covalently bound open-chain tetrapyroles as pigments (MacColl & Guard-Friar, 1987;Glazer, 1989 bis-Tris, bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)imino-tris-(hydroxymethyl)me~ane; DEAEAbbreviations: Am, absorption maximum; P-ME, P-mercaptoethanol; cellulose, diethylaminoethyl-cellulose; EDTA, ethylenediaminitetraacetic acid; HEPES, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-piperazine-N'-(2-ethane-sulfonic acid); IEF, isoelectric focusing; LDAO, lauryldimethylaminoxide; PC645, phycocyanin 645; PE545, phycoerythrin 545; PEG, polyethylene glycol; UDAO, undecyldimethylaminoxide; V,, Matthews parameter.The phycobiliproteins of the cyanobacteria and the red algae have been well characterized. There are four main types: phycoerythrin (Amm -550 nm), phycoerythrocyanin (Amm = 575 nm), phycocyanin (A,,, = 620 nm), and allophycocyanin (Am,, = 650 nm). They are all similar in that their monomeric units consist of two subunits, called a and p, which are highly homologous to each other, and which are highly homologous between different types of proteins. Each subunit has a molecular weight of about 16-20...