A short review is given on the product ion oftilgae, t,lieir influence on the matter budget, the damage to the biocoenosis of waters and on the purification processes of algae-enriched rawwaters. For t.lic devclupmentj and construction of'aii in-situ c1c.ric.e to monitor the content of phyto-Iilaiikton in eutrophicated waters on ships, measiirenients of the spectral reflec,t:tnc.e in shnllow inlarid and Bay waters were ninde froin 1983 t.ill l 9 G . Siinult~~~iieoiisly cIiloropliy11-a a n d secchidisk transparency were measured. Especiitlly marked correhtions (partly dependent 011 the sea so^ and the type of t'he 1vat)c.r body) exist bet~veen the quotient of reflectance at t,he wavelengtlis of 710 and WO nni and the clilorophyll-a conceiit'rat,ioiis (7 ... 320 pgil) and bet,ween the reflectance at 71i O n n i and rc.ciproc.al valiies of secrhi-disk transparency (0.3 ... 3.lJ in). On the basis of these resiilts a pvototype of n two-chamiel spectrometer \vns ~)rocliic.etl.