Determination of the 16s rRNA gene sequence of Caulobacter subvibrioides ATCC 15264T (T = type strain) confirmed that this species is a member of the alpha subclass of the Proteobacteria and showed that it is phylogenetically most closely related to the Caulobacter group comprising the species Caulobacter bacteroides, Caulobacter crescentus, and Brevundimonas (Pseudomonas) diminuta, for which 16s rRNA sequences of the type strains are currently available. The closest known relative of strain ATCC 15264T among these species is B. diminuta (level of direct pairwise sequence similarity, 95%). On the basis of its previously determined 16s rRNA sequence (accession number M83797), C. subvibrioides is most closely related to Sphingomonas adhaesiva in the alpha4 subgroup (level of similarity, 97.7%). Analysis of the hydroxy fatty acids of C. subvibrioides ATCC 15264T showed that the 2-hydroxymyristic acid which is characteristic of the genus Sphingomonas was absent.In 1992 Stahl et al. (20) reported on the phylogeny of the genus Caulobacter. These authors noted that most of the caulobacters, which belong to the alpha subclass of the Proteobacteria (20, 23), made up a diverse but coherent phylogenetic assemblage based on a comparison of their 16s rRNA sequences; the only exception was Caulobacter subvibrioides, which was only peripherally related to the main Caulobacter assemblage. However, insufficient outgroup reference sequences were used for accurate phylogenetic positioning of C. subvibrioides, and the relationship of this organism with other members of the alpha subclass of the Proteobacteriu remained unclear.Later, Hugenholtz et al. (4) showed that the published 16s rRNA sequence of C. subvibrioides CB81 (nucleotide sequence accession number M83797) was most closely related to the sequences of members of the alpha-4 subgroup of the Proteobacteria and that C. subvibrioides grouped with Blastobacter natatorius (19), Erythrobacter longus (15), and Porphyrobacter neustonensis (3). Subsequently, it was found that the genera Sphingomonas and Rhizomonas were also members of the expanding alpha-4 subgroup (21,22). Strain CB81 was designated the type strain of the species by Poindexter (12) and was deposited in the American Type Culture Collection as strain ATCC 15264. The culture used by Stahl et al. (20) also originated as strain CB81 but has had a different history since.In our experience the designated type strain of C. subvibrioides, strain ATCC 15264 (17), is not a typical member of the alpha-4 subgroup and appears to be typical of the caulobacters. Consequently, we decided to examine the hydroxy fatty acid profile of the type strain of C. subvibrioides to see if it contained the signature 2-hydroxymyristic acid characteristic of the fatty acids of other members of the alpha-4 subgroup, including Sphingomonas spp. (24) organisms as strain ACM 2483T. Cells from our original freezedried ampoules were grown in peptone-yeast extract medium (18) with agitation in an environmental incubator at 28"C, harvested by centrifu...