The Metacrangonyctidae are distributed from the Canarian Archipelago to Israel and from the Balearic Islands to the pre-Saharian areas of Algeria, but Morocco seems to be the place where the family has especially split into a number of species now living in different parts of the Country. Data on the phylogenetic relationships of the family, on the geographic distribution of species in Morocco, and on the geological history of the regions inhabited by the different species lead us to consider the origin of these amphipods and their occurrence near or far (600 km) from the present marine shore as the result of a 'Two-step Model of Colonization and Evolution'. The first step (vertical transition of the marine ancestors) may have occurred once during the Mesozoic period, some time before the Turonian period. The second step (horizontal tmsition of littoral interstitial ancestors) may have occurred once each time during the Turonian and the Senonian Cretaceous marine regressions for the different groups of Metacrangonyx species, and during the Lutetian Eocene regression for the species of the genus hngipodacrangonyx. The correlation between each lineage of Metacrangonyctidae and one marine regression seems to be corroborated by a similar pattern of distribution and evolution of the Moroccan Isopoda Cirolanidae. After acceptance of the above evolutionary scenario of Moroccan Metacrangonyctidae, the occurrence of one species of the family in a new area and its inclusion in one of the identified lineages may provide valuable information about some aspects of the historical geology of the area (i.e. the occurrence of Metacrangonyx repens in the Fuerteventura Canarian Island or those of M. longipes in Balearic Islands).
RCsumCLa famille des Metacrangonyctidae se rencontre depuis I' Archipel des Canaries jusqu'en Isrdl et des Baleares jusqu'aux regions pdsahariennes du Maroc et de I'AlgCrie, mais c'est au Maroc que la famille s'est particulitrement diversifiee en un grand nombre d'esptces qui vivent actuellement dans les eaux souterraines des diverses regions du pays. Les donnQs relatives B la phylogenie de la famille, B la distribution des espkes au Maroc et B I'histoire geologique des regions habitees par les diffkrentes esgces, conduisent B envisager I'origine de ces Amphipodes, et leur presence prts ou loin (600 km) des rivages marins actuels, comme le resultat d'un 'Modtle biphase de colonisation et d'Cvolution'. La premitre &ape (une transition Bcologique verticale des anc&tres marins) a pu se produire pendant l'tre secondaire, au Crktace, un peu avant le Turonien. La seconde &ape (une transition horizontale passive des anc&tres qui vivaient dans l'interstitiel littoral) a dB se produire pendant les regressions marines cr6tacCes du Turonien puis du SBnonien, pour les divers groupes d'esp&ces de Metacrangonyx, et enfin 2 1 I'Eoctne pendant la regression du Lutetien pour les esptces du genre Longipodacrangonyx. La codlation entre c h q u e groupe monophyl6tique de Metacrangonyctidae et une regression marine d6terminBe ...