Legumes possess essential characteristics like symbiotic nitrogen fixation, water efficiency and soil improvement, which can help to mitigate the effects of the planetary crisis including climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. In this context, integrating knowledge about this plant family is a crucial step toward developing well-being strategies, with the mission of facilitating the dialogue between science, society, conservation, sustainable use, and policy in rapid change. This brief communication explores how science can collaborate to strengthen value chains for biodiversity conservation. Therefore, effectively disseminating and implementing the findings of this study is crucial for facilitating collaboration, communication, and articulation among the links in the production chain, including service providers and regulatory agencies, ultimately leading to improved sustainability practices. The study, conducted in Brazil, explores the potential of the legume family in the bioeconomy, particularly within value chains to address the planetary crisis. The findings suggest that legumes possess significant potential to mitigate the effects of this global challenge. Applied botany is an important science for sustainable development, and can play a pivotal role in ensuring food security, conserving biodiversity, and promoting sustainability.