Sand flies are characterized by their inability to fly continuously and spread over a wide range, as they rarely spread more than one kilometer away from their breeding areas. It was found that wind does not affect the intensity of its spread, but on the contrary, these insects are ineffective when the wind speed is more than one kilometer per second and resort to their homes when the wind blows.Leishmaniasis has been known for a long time and is still one of the ten most important infectious diseases in the world, in addition to being a public health problem in many countries of Africa, South America, Central and South West Asia and Indian subcontinent. It is also one of diseases endemic in Iraq and parasite has caused a healthy problem to be underestimated in Southern Iraq, especially in Dhi Qar Governorate.Leishmaniasis is a main careless tropical disease related with high attribution of disability and death. This illness is linked with destitution, which can be reflected in housing housing quality, especially in rural territory. This sickness is transported amidst mammalian hosts through bites of blood sucking vector sand fly. So, Lack of realization among local societies also decrease the efficiency of reservoir host and vector control schemes. Until now parasites transition to mammalian host has never been immediately determined, so this disease has a great impact to public good health of Individuals. The form of protozoan parasite is closely related to pathogenicity. Therefore, many instant actions must done in order to excess scientific information on this disease and higher achievement, of the patients and observation programmers need be carried out by raise realization around the sickness between common public and stringent sharing of local society in surveillance and safeguard actions.