nigritus. 1 These are diurnal, medium-sized primates, with weights ranging from 1.4 to 4.8 kg and a semi-prehensile tail used during foraging, and capable of supporting body weight for short periods. 2,3 Locomotion is done by quadrupedal walking, climbing, and running. 3 Capuchin monkeys are considered the most intelligent primate of the Americas, with curious behavior while moving, removing, and breaking things. 4 Several imaging methods have been used in humans for investigating the dimensions of the maternal pelvis, but radiation exposure during x-ray pelvimetry is a concern. 5,6 The technique has been performed in some species of Neotropical monkeys to establish normal ranges and thus facilitate reproductive management and predict obstetric risks. [7][8][9] Plain radiographic images have also been used in humans to define and measure the alignment of the pelvic limbs through their physiological axes and mechanical and anatomic angles. 10,11 The determination of angular values helps in the characterization of orthopedic conditions. 12 In veterinary medicine, radiographic measurements have been applied mainly to dogs and cats, [13][14][15] but also