In oceanic gyres, primary producers are numerically dominated by small (1-5 µm diameter) pro-and eukaryotic cells that primarily utilize recycled nutrients produced by rapid grazing turnover in a highly efficient microbial loop. Continuous losses of nitrogen to depth by sinking, either as single cells, aggregates or fecal pellets, are balanced by both nitrate inputs at the base of the euphotic zone and nitrogen-fixation. This input of N (new nitrogen) to balance export losses (the biological pump) is a fundamental aspect of nitrogen cycling and central to understanding carbon fluxes in the ocean. In the Pacific Ocean, detailed nitrogen budgets at the time-series station HOT require upward transport of nitrate from the nutricline (80-100 m) into the surface layer (~0-40 m) to balance productivity and export needs. However, concentration gradients are negligible and cannot support the fluxes. Physical processes can inject nitrate into the base of the euphotic zone, but the mechanisms for transporting this nitrate into the surface layer across many 10s of m in highly stratified systems are unknown.In these seas, vertical migration by the very largest 10 2 -10 3 µm diameter) phytoplankton is common as a survival strategy to obtain nitrogen from sub-euphotic zone depths. This vertical migration is driven by buoyancy changes rather than by flagellated movement and can provide upward nitrogen transport as nitrate (mM concentrations) in the cells. However, the contribution of vertical migration to nitrate transport has been difficult to quantify over the required basin scales. In this study, we use towed optical systems and isotopic tracers to
PrePrintsIntroduction Nitrogen in the euphotic zone of the open sea has long been recognized to partition into two distinct pools of availability (Dugdale & Goering 1967). New nitrogen represents introduction of N from outside the euphotic zone, either in the form of deep NO 3 -or nitrogenfixation, while regenerated N results from consumption and remineralization of dissolved or particulate N (Dugdale & Goering 1967). While regenerated N dominates the total phytoplankton uptake, new N is critical to balance losses due to vertical fluxes and is linked to total system productivity (Eppley & Peterson 1979). This has been expressed as the f ratio where 'f' = new/total N uptake and ranges from 0-1. On longer time scales, new N input must balance sedimentary losses or the system will experience net losses of nitrogen (Eppley & Peterson 1979). The surface waters of the open ocean are considered low 'f' ratio environments: N and P often occur at nM concentrations, and ammonium is the dominant form taken up by phytoplankton (Lipschultz et al. 1996;Raimbault et al. 2008;Wu et al. 2000). The f ratio increases in the light-limited lower depths of the euphotic zone due to the increased availability of nitrate at the nutricline, thus creating what has been recognized as a two-layered structure (Goldman 1988). This general pattern can be modified in regions of low iron input, where iron ava...