Twenty five market skim milk powder samples obtained from various regions of Maharashtra were analysed for their chemical composition, physico-chemical properties and microbiological quality to access their suitability in terms of national and international standards. It was observed that the moisture, fat, protein, lactose and ash content of SMP samples obtained from various regions showed significant difference (P<0.05). It was also revealed that the scorched particle content, solubility index, dispersibility, wettability properties of samples varied significantly in different regions for different brands. Similarly, the NPN and true protein content in SMP samples of different regions were significantly different from each other. The average free fat content in the samples from Vidarabha was significantly higher than that of the other regions of the state. The titratable acidity and lactate content of various brands of SMP samples were ranged from 0.97-1.08 and 75-550 mg/ 100 g, respectively. It was observed that three brands out of twenty five samples were found positive for alkali neutralizers. Wide variation was observed in standard plate count and coliform counts of all the SMP samples of various brands collected from five different regions of Maharashtra.