An industrial waste sludge was incinerated in a laboratory-scale fluidized-bed incinerator and sixteen priority polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), including the vaporphase PAHs adsorbed by XAD-2 and the solid-phase ones intercepted by glass fiber filters, were monitored. The experimental parameters were equivalence ratio ( φ = 0.83 and 1.25) and incinerating temperature (500, 600, 700, and 800 °C). The fuel-rich condition was carried out to resemble "fault-mode" operation. The nominal gaseous residence times were in the 0.7-1.2 second range. A gas chromatograph/flame ionization detector (GC/FID) was used to identify the PAHs qualitatively and quantitatively.Three priority PAHs-phenanthrene (PhA), fluoranthane (FluA), and pyrene (Pyr)-were detected in great quantities for all incineration runs. Two other priority PAHs-fluorene (Flu) and anthracene (AnT)-were found only in the solid phase for the fuel-rich run at 500 °C. In general, the PAH levels detected were lower for the runs at higher incineration temperatures and lower equivalence ratio.