A method allowing the demonstration and study by electron microscopy of secondary structure of viral RNA has been developed. Single-stranded RNA from the bacteriophage MS2 has been analyzed in the electron micro-scope in the presence of various concentrations of MgCI2.Depending on the salt concentration, the molecules display one to three large open loops which range in size from 10 to 20% of the total RNA lengh, and smaller closed loops which are approximately 3-5% of the total RNA length. Within one spreading, the conformation of the molecules is variable.However, the average complexity of the molecules increases with increasing salt, and individual loops which are infrequent at low salt increase in frequency with increasing salt. By analyzing the manner in which the individual loops appeared, it was possible to show that all molecules could be described by one basic pattern of secondary structure formation.Secondary structure, that is, the presence of short, helical, base-paired hairpin loops, has been demonstrated in singlestranded RNA by a variety of physical techniques. For the small RNA-containing bacteriophages, whose RNA has a molecular weight of 1.1 X 106, both hydrodynamic and spectroscopic data show that 60-80% of the RNA exists in the form of short base-paired loops (1-5). Recently, sequence analysis has also shown that the bacteriophage RNA contains many internal regions which are self-complementary and which could produce hairpin loops by base pairing (6, 7). Calculations based on the known free energies of the individual base-pairs suggest that the most stable molecules are those in which the individual loops are relatively short, generally under 50 nucleotides in length. Although it is not known whether more than one stable arrangement of loops is possible, the specificity of the fragments obtained after nuclease digestion suggests that one arrangement is preferred (8). In addition to the physical data, a variety of genetic and biochemical experiments suggest that specific secondary structure occurs in phage RNA molecules, and is probably responsible for the regulation of both transcription and translation during viral replication (9).Recent studies have shown that specific patterns of loops can be visualized on ribosomal RNAs in the electron microscope (10, 11). These studies show that secondary structure mapping can be used, in ways similar to denaturation mapping of double-stranded DNAs (12), to obtain information about the biological properties of RNA molecules. To date, studies of this sort have generally been unsuccessful with RNAs of lower (G+C) content, (13), and it has therefore been suggested that the hairpin loops which occur on nonribosomal RNAs may be too small to be visualized in the electron microscope. The one exception is a recent report on the possible occurrence of two specific loops on the RNA of .RNAs from the small RNA-containing bacteriophages have a moderate (G+C) content and messenger function. Due to the large amount of information available about their secondar...