The Armed Robotic Control for Training in Civilian Law Enforcement, or ARCTiC LawE, is an upperbody exoskeleton designed to assist civilian, military, and law enforcement personnel in accurate, precise, and reliable handgun techniques. This exoskeleton training utilizes a laser-based handgun with similar dimensions, trigger pull, and break action to a Glock Ò 19 pistol, common to both public and private security sectors. The paper aims to train and test subjects with no handgun training/experience both with and without the ARCTiC LawE and compare the results of accuracy, precision, and speed. Ultimately, the exoskeleton greatly impacts sensory motor learning, and the biomechanical implications are confirmed via both performance and physiological measurements. The researchers believe the ARCTiC LawE is a viable substitute for training with live-fire handguns in order to reduce the cost of training time and munitions. They also believe the ARCTiC LawE will increase accuracy and precision for typical law enforcement and military live-fire drills. Additionally, this paper increases the breadth of knowledge for exoskeletons as a tool for training.