The objective of this research is to consider the effects of certain parameters of the friction-welding process on the morphology of an aluminum/copper joint. The effect of the following parameters was monitored: the operating time, the operating pressure, the forging time and the forging pressure. The speed was constant during the binding process and reached 1500 min -1 . The preparation of the welding materials was performed in accordance with the industrial production conditions. With the SEM-EDS analysis, it was found that the morphology of the Al/Cu interface slightly changes when we change the distance from the rotation axis, irrespective of the combination of the friction-welding parameters. Apart from this, the joined effects of the operating pressure of 48 MPa and the forging pressure of 160 MPa caused a morphological change of the Al/Cu interface, while the forging time at the moment of the combined pressurizing effect significantly influenced the modification of the Al/Cu interface shape within a very narrow time interval of only a few seconds. Keywords: friction welding, bimetallic joint, interface, aluminum, copper, SEM-EDS Cilj te raziskave je obravnava vpliva nekaterih parametrov procesa tornega varjenja na morfologijo spoja aluminij/baker. Pregledan je bil vpliv naslednjih parametrov:~as delovanja, tlak pri obratovanju,~as kovanja in tlak pri kovanju. Hitrost 1500 min -1 je bila med spajanjem konstantna. Priprava materialov za varjenje je bila izvr{ena skladno s pogoji industrijske proizvodnje. S pomo~jo SEM-EDS analiz je bilo ugotovljeno, da se morfologija spoja Al/Cu rahlo spreminja s spreminjanjem razdalje od rotirajo~e osi, ne glede na kombinacijo parametrov procesa tornega varjenja. Poleg tega je skupni u~inek delovnega tlaka 48 MPa in tlaka pri kovanju 160 MPa povzro~il morfolo{ke spremembe spoja Al/Cu, medtem ko~as kovanja, v trenutku kombiniranega stiskanja mo~no vpliva na spremembo oblike Al/Cu spoja v zelo ozkem temperaturnem intervalu samo nekaj sekund.