Bitumen concrete construction and technical properties improvement when used as refuse finely-fragmented layer inorganic material formed in production of ceramic granite, ceramic construction material, is conditioned by its phase composition and structure. The set of physicochemical studies has established that the high physical and technical properties of ceramic granite are associated with its microstructure, which presents glassceramic composite consisting of amorphous glass phase permeated with mullite crystals and silica-containing phases of quartz and cristobalite, that provides low material porosity. The density of natural granite containing only β-quartz in an amount of about 35% with its density and the density of other minerals in the granite, in particular field spars, is 2.6… 2.7 g/cm3. The density of ceramic granite decreases due to less dense β-cristobalite, but at the same time its porosity decreases due to glass crystal structure. Use of non-porous refuses of ceramic granite as finely-fragmented inorganic material reduces amount of bitumen in bitumen concrete mixture, increases water resistance, compressive strength, shear resistance of bitumen concrete, which can increase service life of road surface.