With its ability to fabricate fully dense three-dimensional structures by selectively melting micro-sized metal powder, the additive manufacturing process of laser beam melting (LBM) is considered by many to be a significant technology that is complementary to the conventional forming and subtractive manufacturing processes. However, even with its ability to fabricate structures with characteristics comparable to conventional fabrication, the LBM process often lacks the consistency and degree of repeatability essential for its industrial acceptance for certain end-product applications. Inconsistency in the characteristics of structures is often related to a combination of variations in system technology, process, and user influence. In order to understand fully the potential and limitations of the LBM process, the paper discusses the design, methodology, and results of a round robin test conducted within the Collaborative Working Group (CWG) lasers in production at the International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP). Observed mechanical characteristics for samples from each of the participants are presented. The experiments are designed to obtain data related to mechanical characteristics for different build orientations and processing conditions in addition to the inherent system technology variations. The paper further discusses the observed process phenomena and their association with the induced mechanical characteristics.
OPSOMMINGDie additiewe laserstraal smeltproses word deur kenners as ʼn noemenswaardige tegnologie wat bydra tot die konvensionele vorming-en masjineringvervaardigingsprosesse geag, omdat dit oor die vermoë beskik om digte, driedimensionele strukture te vervaardig. Selfs met dié vermoë om strukture met eienskappe soortgelyk aan die konvensioneel vervaardigde strukture, ly die laserstraal smeltproses dikwels aan ʼn tekort aan konsekwentheid en herhaalbaarheid wat krities is tot die industriële aanvaarding daarvan. Die veranderlikheid in die eienskappe van strukture is dikwels verwant aan ʼn kombinasie van variasies in die sisteem tegnologie, proses-en gebruikerinvloed. Hierdie navorsing bespreek ʼn rondomtalie toets wat op verskeie laserstraal smelters, wat by die Internasionale Akademie van Produksieingenieurs (CIRP) in gebruik is, uitgevoer is. Die toetse se mikpunt was om die potensiaal en beperkinge geassosieer met die laserstraal smeltproses beter te verstaan. Die waargeneemde meganiese eienskappe van monsters van elkeen van die monsters word voorgehou. Die eksperimente is ontwerp om data, wat verwant is aan die meganiese eienskappe wanneer verskeie veranderlikes tydens die vervaardigingsproses teenwoordig is, te verkry. Die waargeneemde prosesverskynsels en hul assosiasies met die geïnduseerde meganiese eienskappe, word dan bespreek.