ISHIZUKA, J., TOYOTA, T., ONO, T., SASAKI, M., YANAIHARA, C. and YANAIHARA, N. Inhibitory Effects of Rimorphin and Dynorphin on Insulin Secretion from the Isolated, Perfused Rat Pancreas. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1986, 150(1), 17-24 In order to settle the question about whether or not opioid peptides stimulate or inhibit insulin secretion, we studied effects of rimorphin and dynorphin, two members of the preproenkephalin B group, on glucose-induced insulin secretion in the isolated, perfused rat pancreas. These peptides (3.95 x 10-g M), like morphine (3.95 X 10-a M), significantly inhibited the glucose-induced insulin secretion. The inhibitory effect of rimorphin was attenuated by naloxone (1.2 x 10-6 M) and phentolamine (10-6 M), suggesting an involvement of adrenergic alpha receptors in the inhibition of glucose-induced insulin secretion mediated through specific opiate receptors. Rimorphin also inhibited glucose-induced insulin secretion even in the cysteamine-treated rat pancreas from which somatostatin had been depleted. Thus, somatostatin does not appear to play a major regulatory role in the insulin secretion in the pancreas. insulin secretion ; dynorphin ; rimorphin ; perfusion of the isolated rat pancreasThe fact that infusion of beta-endorphin diminished the glucagon and insulin responses to epinephrine indicates a possible role for the endogenous opiates in modulating the glucoregulatory response to the stress (El-Tayeb et al. 1985). It has been reported that endorphins and enkephalins are released in a variety of stress situations, including exercise (Fraioli et al. 1980) and hypoglycemia (Nakao et al. 1979). A question arises as to whether opioid peptides act on glucose metabolism via pancreatic hormones, i.e., insulin and glucagon. Pancreatic extracts have been shown to contain peptides eluting with similar characteristics to the enkephalins (Bruni et al. 1979). The existence of opioid peptides including enkephalins in the pancreas may support the concept that these peptides act as a physiologic regulator of pancreatic endocrine secretion. However, there have