Colloid-facilitated transport enhances migration of strongly sorbing compounds (e.g., radionuclides, phosphorus, heavy metals) in soil and groundwater. Mobilization, transport and deposition of soil colloids are the underlying processes governing colloid-facilitated contaminant transport. Although signiˆcant progress has been made in simulating mobilization and transport/deposition of model colloids in diŠerent collector systems, it may be inadequate for the prediction of natural colloidal behavior in the subsurface. This study quantiˆes the leaching of natural volcanic ash soil colloids (NC) as well as the simultaneous transport of applied water dispersible soil colloids (WDC) in aggregated volcanic ash soil columns. Two water-saturated soil columns were irrigated with artiˆcial irrigation water (AIW) at an intensity of 80 mm/hr for 60 hours. Two additional columns were irrigated at the same intensity, but a colloidal suspension of 5 mg/L was applied after 20 hours for a period of 20 hours. EOEuent colloid concentrations were measured in each experiment. HYDRUS-1D was used for the simulation and estimation of colloid transport parameters. The results clearly showed diŠerent kinetics for applied colloid transport and natural colloid leaching. Transport of applied WDC followedˆrst-order attachment kinetics, while the two-site equilibrium/kinetic model with equal fractions of equilibrium and kinetic sites best described the leaching of NC. Coupling these best model approaches well predicted the simultaneous leaching of natural and applied colloids, hereby providing a useful tool for the design of colloidbased in-situ soil remediation systems.