Abstract. Integrated Data Analysis (IDA) offers a unified way of combining information relevant to fusion experiments. Thereby, IDA meets with typical issues arising in fusion data analysis. In IDA, all information is consistently formulated as probability density functions quantifying uncertainties in the analysis within the Bayesian probability theory. For a single diagnostic, IDA allows the identification of faulty measurements and improvements in the setup. For a set of diagnostics, IDA gives joint error distributions allowing the comparison and integration of different diagnostics results. Validation of physics models can be performed by model comparison techniques. Typical data analysis applications benefit from IDA capabilities of nonlinear error propagation, the inclusion of systematic effects and the comparison of different physics models. Applications range from outlier detection, background discrimination, model assessment and design of diagnostics. In order to cope with next step fusion device requirements, appropriate techniques are explored for fast analysis applications.
DATA ANALYSIS FOR MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT FUSION DEVICESNext step fusion devices define several new requirements for data analysis. Since the demonstration of fusion reactor capabilities aims at steady-state operation, the data processing paradigm needs to be shifted from a shoot-and-collect to a view-and-react philosophy. Therefore, fast and reliable physics information is mandatory to use the experimental devices most efficiently and off-line analysis schemes as in pulsed devices will restrict operational capabilities. Long-time scales due to plasma-wall effects and magnetic field relaxation will require intelligent control schemes which employ physical models in multi-variate adaptive controllers.The major challenge for data analysis in magnetic fusion experiments is to link many different heterogeneous information sources [1]. The reason for the heterogeneity lies in the variety of methods in plasma diagnostics which is required to