The study of the processes occurring deep in the earth's crust has always been a relevant research topic. The results of these studies allowed development and safe mining of mineral deposits in various conditions. The growth in the consumption of extracted resource and the increase in the scale of mining are forcing enterprises to search for the solutions to complex engineering and technical problems, one of which is the problem of displacement of rock masses and the earth's surface in industrial production-affected areas including tailings dams. The purpose of this study is to improve the operation safety of tailing dams. The object of the study is embankment dams of dressing plant tailing dumps. The subject of the study is deformation processes occurring in dam bodies and slope surfaces. The main research methods used in the work are: the study of safe operation methods for tailing dams based on the operating conditions of Uchalinskoye tailing dump using the modern methods of stability assessment, analysis and generalization of domestic and foreign experience, as well as the study of current methods of geomechanical monitoring of deformation processes – engineering and geological, geophysical, mine surveying and hydrogeological ones. The article describes geographic, hydrographic, climatic, geological and mining operation conditions of the tailing dump of Uchalinsky GOK (Ore Mining and Processing Plant) JSC. The influence of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces on embankment tailing dam stability is substantiated. Based on the data obtained and the research methods used, it is concluded that hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces are fundamental destructive factors affecting dams. The results of these studies can be applied at the design stage of hydraulic structures, since they will supplement theoretical knowledge about the impact of liquid waste on the safety of tailing dams and earth-filled dams, as well as allow detecting deformation processes at their initial development stage and making decisions on their elimination.