The neuronal mechano-gated K2P channels TREK-1 and TRAAK show pronounced desensitization within 100 ms of membrane stretch. Desensitization persists in the presence of cytoskeleton disrupting agents, upon patch excision, and when channels are expressed in membrane blebs. Mechanosensitive currents evoked with a variety of complex stimulus protocols were globally fit to a four-state cyclic kinetic model in detailed balance, without the need to introduce adaptation of the stimulus. However, we show that patch stress can be a complex function of time and stimulation history. The kinetic model couples desensitization to activation, so that gentle conditioning stimuli do not cause desensitization. Prestressing the channels with pressure, amphipaths, intracellular acidosis, or the E306A mutation reduces the peak-to-steady-state ratio by changing the preexponential terms of the rate constants, increasing the steady-state current amplitude. The mechanical responsivity can be accounted for by a change of in-plane area of Ϸ2 nm 2 between the closed and open conformations. Desensitization and its regulation by chemical messengers is predicted to condition the physiological role of K2P channels.M ost receptors, including ligand-gated ion channels, desensitize with continuous stimulation. Desensitization is a reversible, use-dependent, form of signal plasticity critical for maintaining the dynamic sensitivity over a wide dynamic range. Desensitization also protects cells from inappropriate persistent activation. Many mechano-gated ion channels desensitize (1-5). There are two basic mechanisms that account for desensitization: adaptation and inactivation. Adaptation refers to the uncoupling of the stimulus from the channel, whereas inactivation refers to a block of the permeation path. In hair cells of the inner ear, deflection opens a mechano-gated channel at the tip of the stereocilium leading to depolarization (6). A fast adaptation mechanism (0.3-5 ms) is attributed to the binding of calcium near the channel after permeation through the open ionic pore (6), i.e., Ca 2ϩ block. A slower adaptation (10-100 ms) occurs when the calcium-dependent molecular motor myosin-1c, which pulls on the channels, slips down the actin cytoskeleton reducing the force applied to the channel (6).Rapid desensitization also occurs in mechanosensitive channels expressed in nonspecialized cells. For instance, the stretchactivated cation channel of Xenopus oocyte opens transiently in response to a step change in patch pressure (5). The decrease in current has been attributed to relaxation of the mechanical stimulus, although as shown in this work, that interpretation may not be a good discriminator. Desensitization of the oocyte channel is fragile and may disappear when patches are repetitively stimulated (5). This fragility was attributed to decoupling of the bilayer from the cytoskeleton (5).Stretch-activated K ϩ channels are present in neurons of both the central and the peripheral nervous systems (7-9), and they also have been described in nonne...