A b s t r a c t. Some physical and germination properties of bitter gourd seed were determined in a moisture content range of 9.3-32.1% d.b. For this moisture, the average length, width, and thickness of seed increased by 3.68, 4.07, and 4.56%, respectively. The geometric properties increased with increasing moisture content. The bulk density and rupture force decreased while thousand seed mass, true density, porosity, terminal velocity and static coefficient of friction increased with increasing moisture content. At all moisture contents, the maximum friction was offered by rubber, followed by plywood, aluminum, and galvanized iron surface. The seed germination duration, seedling emergence percentage, and germination index values gave the best results at the 19.9% moisture content, whereas fresh seedling mass was not affected by different moisture contents.K e y w o r d s: bitter gourd seed, moisture content, physical properties, germination properties
INTRODUCTIONBitter gourd is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown for edible fruit, which is among the most bitter of all fruits. Other common names include Papara, Momordica charantia, Balsam apple, Momordica, or Bitter melon. It is Turkish name is known as 'Kudret Narý'.The original home of the species is not known, other than that it is native to the tropics. It is widely grown in India, Nepal and other parts of the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, China, Africa, the Caribbean, and Mediterranean countries such as Turkey and Italy. In Turkey, it is usually grown in Bursa and Yalova provinces.Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia, L.), a cucurbitaceous fruit-vegetable is popular as a medicinal vegetable (Anonymous, 2011).Bitter gourd is an annual plant of the Cucurbitaceae family with slender vine characteristics. The leaves are palmate and have a pedicel. The fruit splits at maturity. The fruits are 8-15 cm in length and 4-10 cm in width, the fruit surface is rough and sharpens at the tip. The fruit, which is green initially, turns to yellow and golden yellow as it matures and contains 20-30 dark red bean-like seeds. It is used as a natural drug after mixing with olive oil (Anonymous, 2012a(Anonymous, , 2012b.Bitter gourd is grown by seed or seedlings obtained from seeds. Seeds are sown in April or May into containers or directly to the field when the soil temperature rises 8-10°C. Planting seedlings is advisable since the germination rate of seeds is not 100% (Baryeh, 2002).Bitter gourd is little known in Turkey and grown in minute quantities, despite its many useful characteristics. Agricultural subventions are essential so that cultivation thereof becomes widespread over the country. Therefore, construction of machinery and equipment and modelling research related to sowing, care, harvest, and handling processes for the crop is also of importance. The physical properties of bitter gourd seed, like those of other grains and seeds, are essential for the design of equipment for handling, harvesting, processing, and storing th...