We study tidal features around galaxies in the REsolved Spectroscopy Of a Local VolumE (RESOLVE) survey. Our sample consists of 1048 RESOLVE galaxies that overlap with the DECam Legacy Survey, which reaches an r-band 3σ depth of ∼27.9 mag arcsec −2 for a 100 arcsec 2 feature. Images were masked, smoothed, and inspected for tidal features such as streams, shells, or tails/arms. We find tidal features in 17 ±2 % of our galaxies, setting a lower limit on the true frequency. The frequency of tidal features in the gas-poor (gas-to-stellar mass ratio <0.1) subsample is lower than in the gas-rich subsample (13 ±3 % versus 19 ±2 %). Within the gas-poor subsample, galaxies with tidal features have higher stellar and halo masses, ∼3× closer distances to nearest neighbors (in the same group), and possibly fewer group members at fixed halo mass than galaxies without tidal features, but similar specific star formation rates. These results suggest tidal features in gas-poor galaxies are typically streams/shells from dry mergers or satellite disruption. In contrast, the presence of tidal features around gas-rich galaxies does not correlate with stellar or halo mass, suggesting these tidal features are often tails/arms from resonant interactions. Similar to tidal features in gas-poor galaxies, tidal features in gas-rich galaxies imply 1.7× closer nearest neighbors in the same group; however, they are associated with diskier morphologies, higher star formation rates, and higher gas content. In addition to interactions with known neighbors, we suggest that tidal features in gas-rich galaxies may arise from accretion of cosmic gas and/or gas-rich satellites below the survey limit.