A barycentric potential of identical central and spin-orbit geometry has been used for finding out the orbit radii of valence proton states in 2~ and 2~ Excellent agreement has been found between the calculated values and measured values from sub-Coulomb nuclear transfer reaction studies. Proton densities at specific points also show the right trend.
PACS: 21.10ftMagnetic electron scattering and sub-Coulomb nucleon transfer reaction data provide us information regarding the details of the nuclear surface. Critical assessment of the valence nucleon orbit radii measurements reveal that transfer reaction cross sections depend sensitively on the magnitude of the tail of the bound state wave function of the transferred nucleon. The rms radius can be calculated in a model dependent way after specifying the form of the bound state potential well. Again the magnitude of the single-particle wave function in the asymptotic region can be extracted from the knowledge of spectroscopic factor of the populated state and the normalisation factor of the particular reaction used. Therefore, it seems interesting to see the effect of a realistic average potential on the orbit radii of valence nucleons of a good closed shell nucleus. The states of 2~ populated via the (t, e) reaction have been found to be quite pure single particle shell model states. This view is confirmed by the absence of any transfer to these orbits in stripping reaction studies [1]. Similarly few low lying states of 2~ exhaust almost all the spectroscopic strength [2]. Therefore, 2~behaves like a good doubly shell closed nucleus. Recently [-3, 4] the proton orbit sizes of the 3sl/z, 2d3/2, lh11/2 and 2d5/2 states in 2~ and the lh9/2 state in 2~ through the sub-Coulomb (t,c~) reaction have been reported. In this work, we present the results of our calculation about the orbit sizes, obtained through numerical solution of the radial part of the Schr6-dinger equation having an optimized one body potential of Woods-Saxon form.The method of obtaining a good set of potential parameters which reproduces the single particle shell model states near the Fermi surface of 2~ has been reported earlier [-5]. However, for the sake of clarity we point out the main features here. The bary-centers of the different spin orbit doublets (SOD) for the proton states in z~ from the observed single particle spectra have been calculated. This necessitated a three parameter optimisation technique for fixing the geometrical shape of the central potential. We then introduced the spin orbit potential keeping the geometry identical to that of the central part. For the protons we have added the Coulomb term with r~oul = ro (central). One interesting feature of our potential is the