Postprofessional residency (PPR) programs continue to gain popularity as athletic training education prepares for a paradigm shift. The Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education has established didactic and clinical infrastructure for PPRs seeking accreditation. Accredited programs provide athletic trainers (ATs) with an advanced level of knowledge in a focused area of clinical practice.
A case study report to introduce a novel PPR general medical rotation to illustrate the skills and knowledge of ATs, evaluate the impact of the athletic training residents in the rural family practice (FP) setting, and to discuss how employing an AT in this setting aligns with the triple aim of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Currently, there is very little literature regarding PPRs. Additionally, very little research exists describing how ATs function within the ACA model of health care delivery.
The PPR developed a rotation for a rural FP outpatient clinic. Athletic training residents completed 3-week rotations in this setting working with multiple providers. Learning objectives were created to emphasize the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of general medical conditions. Objectives were assessed at the conclusion of the rotation. Finally, data were collected to evaluate the impact of athletic training residents in the ACA model of health care delivery.
Clinical Advantage(s):
The athletic training residents improved their clinical evaluation and diagnosis skills in a FP clinic through this educational opportunity. This rotation cultivated and fostered interdisciplinary education and interprofessional collaboration. Finally, the observational findings of this rotation revealed the impact of ATs appear to align with the objectives of the ACA health care model, supporting the use of ATs in this role.
This rotation highlights an area of clinical practice future ATs could pursue. Accredited PPR programs must consider the evolution in health care delivery and the shift in athletic training education standards to develop strong PP programs.