Standardization of herbal formulation is mandatory for the quality check of
drugs for assurance of their therapeutic value. According to the World Health Organization reports,
about 80% of the world’s population relies on traditional medicine. Dhatryadi Ghrita, a polyherbal
preparation containing eleven ingredients, has a sweet taste, cold potency and sweet post-digestive effects.
In this research article, quality control for ghrita has been assessed for some of the ingredients
of Dhatryadi Ghrita.
Materials & Methods:
Quality control assessment was done with the aid of the HPTLC method. Precoated
silica gel GF 254 was used as the stationary phase and the developed method used benzene:ethyl alcohol
(9:1v/v). Scanning and quantification of the plates were performed at 254 nm and 366 nm.
The study confirms the presence of different constituents of Ghrita.
routine analysis of Ghrita was facilitated with simple, accurate and cost-effective
HPTLC method. Data has been provided to demonstrate the present and future applicability of the
methods of quality control assessment of Dhatryadi Ghrita.