Bakreswar Geothermal Province (BGP) lies over the Archaean gneisses and schists formations. The heat flow and geothermal gradient of BGP are ∼230 mW/m 2 and 95 • C/km, respectively. The Bakreswar hot spring (BHS) (23 • 52 30 N; 87 • 22 30 E) is located over NNW-SSE trending fault. It lies in the eastern flank of BGP and is connected by Sone-Narmada-Tapti (SONATA) and deep-seated ONGC fault systems. Earlier studies indicated that the geothermal fluid flowed towards the same path as that of deep ONGC fault. In view of this, 24 audio-magnetotelluric soundings in the frequency range 10 kHz-10 Hz were conducted at one end of the deep ONGC fault, which is about 20 km northwest of BHS. The data analysis indicated that the data are internally consistent. Analysis of dimensionality and strike are indicative of complex conductivity structures. The 3D inversion of full impedance was performed to obtain a conductivity model of the study area and resulted in root mean square (RMS) for sites close to unity. The results have been discussed by extracting cross-section along 3 to 7 profiles (four of the profiles are perpendicular to strike, whereas three profiles were oblique to the strike direction and are perpendicular to east-west trending ONGC faults). Several low conducting zones are observed in the profiles drawn parallel and perpendicular to the strike. These common conductors show consistent model features but modified resistivity and dimension. Depth slices from 200 to 1400 m suggest that the conductors in the northern part of the study area are deeper than the conductors in the south. The study area is dominated by several shallow conductors which coincide with several fractures present in the study area. The conductors are surrounded by a resistive feature that can act as an impermeable bed and probably restricts the flow of water within the zone. The four major conductors along the oblique profiles (profiles perpendicular to deep ONGC fault) coincide with deep ONGC fault, through which probably the geothermal fluid flows.