Over the past ten years, legume flours have been the focus of ingredient innovation. Legume grains are suitable for a variety of consumer types, including those with celiac disease, due to their high protein and fiber content and lack of gluten. The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of adding sweet lupine flour at 0.0, 2. 5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, and 17.5% as a high protein source on the properties of gluten-free pancakes made with sorghum flour in terms of physicochemical, nutritional, and sensory properties. Mineral content was significantly higher in the gluten-free pancakes by substitution levels with sweet lupine flour compared with control pancakes. The moisture, ash, fat, crude fiber, and protein contents were significantly increased by increasing the level of sweet lupine flour. Substitution levels up to 15% lupine flour have significantly higher overall acceptability scores. The incorporation of sweet lupine flour into the pancakes led to an increase in all amino and chemical scores as compared with the control sample. The findings of the study suggested combining sorghum flour with sweet lupine flour to manufacture highly nutritious, gluten-free baked goods that are suitable for people with celiac disease.