Fruit production has significant position in Pakistan's economy. Area covered with fruit production in Pakistan is 776 thousand hectares and total output of produce is 6,423.9 thousand tones (Faostat, 2014). World Health Organization (WHO) endorses a minimum consumption of 400 g per day to prevent chronic diseases (especially diabetes, heart diseases, and cancers) and supply required micronutrients (especially iodine, calcium, iron, vitamin A, and zinc) (WHO, 2015). The health benefits of apples basically attributed to polyphenolic compounds. The adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" due to several bioactive molecules like various phenolic compounds. Health benefits are linked with polyphenols in apples that reduce cancer risk, high anti-oxidative power, anti-inflammatory, antitumor properties, inhibition of carcinogenesis in skin, mammary, and colon etc. Apple comprises on 84.7% water, 0.8 g fiber, 0.4 g proteins, 13.9 g carbohydrates 0.3 g ash, 0.3 g lipid, 8 mg vitamin C, 0.3 mg sodium, 145 mg potassium, 7 mg calcium, 6 mg magnesium, 480 µg iron, 12 mg phosphorus, and 2 µg iodine (Muhammad et al., 2011). Apples are significant contributor of dietary components associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention. The cardio