DOI: 10.3390/ma13194352
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Physicochemical Characterization of Bilayer Hybrid Nanocellulose-Collagen as a Potential Wound Dressing

Abstract: The eminent aim for advance wound management is to provide a great impact on the quality of life. Therefore, an excellent strategy for an ideal wound dressing is being developed that eliminates certain drawbacks while promoting tissue regeneration for the prevention of bacterial invasion. The aim of this study is to develop a bilayer hybrid biomatrix of natural origin for wound dressing. The bilayer hybrid bioscaffold was fabricated by the combination of ovine tendon collagen type I and palm tree-based nanocel… Show more

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Cited by 17 publications
(23 citation statements)
References 53 publications
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“…But there is no ideal wound dressing in the clinic now. Many new dressings are studied like the chitosan-calcium alginate dressing, 4 chitosan-vaseline gauze dressing, 5 chitosan-nano dressing, 3 lignin-chitosan-PVA composite hydrogel, 6 nanocellulose-collagen dressing 7 and so on. But each has own fatal flaws and are not widely used.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…But there is no ideal wound dressing in the clinic now. Many new dressings are studied like the chitosan-calcium alginate dressing, 4 chitosan-vaseline gauze dressing, 5 chitosan-nano dressing, 3 lignin-chitosan-PVA composite hydrogel, 6 nanocellulose-collagen dressing 7 and so on. But each has own fatal flaws and are not widely used.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…There are many reports on the porosity percentage; for instance, the electrospun polycaprolactone/gelatine nanofibrous scaffold exhibited 83% porosity 37 . Similarly, Ooi et al, exhibited that the bilayer hybrid nanocellulose‐colagen with the acceptable 70% porosity can be used as a suitable wound dressing 36 . The polylactide/polyvinilalcohol bioscaffold showed porosity between 68% and 94% as an acceptable range for wound 39 .…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 97%
“…Furthermore, high porosity is considered as an effective and important parameter due to providing a suitable environment for better exchange of nutrients between cells and improving cellular metabolism and cell growth 34,35 . According to previous reports, porosity between 60% and 90% is the appropriate range for wound healing materials which can provide a large area for cell growth and cell distribution 36–38 . There are many reports on the porosity percentage; for instance, the electrospun polycaprolactone/gelatine nanofibrous scaffold exhibited 83% porosity 37 .…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…The fabrication of biopolymers such as silk, gelatin, collagen, nanocellulose, chitosan, PVA, and PVP in the wound care context is well-established with high values of biodegradability, renewability, environment-friendliness, non-cytotoxicity, good mechanical strength, low cost, and easy reproducibility [105][106][107]. On the one hand, natural polymers have been proven to be good candidates as skin scaffolds in wound healing since they mimic the components of extracellular matrix [108].…”
Section: Electroconductive Scaffoldmentioning
confidence: 99%