Mass transport properties of physical vapor transport of PbTe are investigated. Thermochemical analysis of the system and its implications for the growth conditions are discussed.The effect of the material preparation and preprocessing on the stoichiometry and residual gas pressure and composition, and on related mass flux is shown. A procedure leading to high mass transport rates is presented.
IntroductionLead chalcogenide compounds and alloys are narrow-gap semiconductors with applications in devices like lasers and detectors, particularly in the infrared spectral range [1 -4]. The unique properties of lead salt diode lasers are:wide wavelength operating range, high mobilities, good thermoelectric properties, tunability, narrow line width, and high local and temporal resolution [5]. Other advantages of these materials are: good homogeneity, rather low price, and easier manufacturing processes relative to HgTe-based materials. Bulk crystals of these materials are used mostly as substrates for manufacturing different devices, primarily tunable diode lasers operable in the midinfrared region from 3 to 30 microns and room temperature IR detectors operating in the range 2 -4.5 micrometer.While the market of IR detectors has recently been dominated by HgTe-based materials, Pb-chalcogenides have still important applications in devices like diode lasers for molecular spectroscopy and gas monitors [5], and may become a key device material for IR integrated optics and telecommunication systems [6,7]. Use of appropriate ternary alloys enables tuning the bandgap to a desired wavelength and/or tailoring the lattice constant for matching the substrate and the active epilayer lattice constant. For example, (Pb, Sn)Te is a widely used IV-VI ternary material allowing for an adjustment of the spectral range of the device by an appropriate selection of SnTe content The two key factors determining mass transport properties in PVT systems are the stoichiometry/congruency of the vapor and the amount of inert gas in the system. We investigate in detail the effect of different procedures of the source material preparation and processing on these two factors.Our experimental mass transport rates are compared with those predicted theoretically.
Theoretical calculationsLead telluride vaporizes according to the reactions In these equations, J's are the mass fluxes (in mole cm -2 s_) and P's are the partial pressures of respective species, Dij's are binary diffusion coefficients, T is the temperature, l is the coordinate along the diffusion path, Z is the inert component(s) ofthevapor phase (see below), andR isthegasconstant. Uniform total pressure, Pt,throughout the ampoule andnonettransport oftheinert gas yieldJz=O.Fromthesetof equations (1 -3) and,whenapplicable, eq. (4) or (5),theequilibrium partial pressures were calculated forstoichiometric and2-phase (solid+liquid) conditions. Themass fluxwascomputed fromeqs. 6 -8, theequilibrium constants (eqs. 1-3),partial pressures over theliquidphase (eqs. 4 or5,if applicable), andagive...