Fig. 4b and from 0.5 mA to 1mA (-1 mA to -0.5 mA) in Fig. 5a. Also, the amplitude of voltage modulation is considerable larger for negative currents relative to the positive currents. It is important to note that the families of V(I ctrl ) recorded for different current biases I plotted in Figs. 3b, 4b and 5b, they all lack inversion symmetry with respect to 0. This is because the PAJJ is not magnetically screened and therefore the presence of the earth magnetic field breaks such symmetry. Since the perpendicular component to the PAJJ planar structure of the earth magnetic field B normal is about 25 T it requires a significant shifting along the I ctrl current axis in order to compensate for the earth magnetic field and therefore recover the inversion symmetry. Indeed, the magnetic field corresponding to I ctrl =1.8mA (the current period of V(I ctrl ) curves) is about 2.4 T which is much smaller than B normal . The differences in the IVCs and V(I ctrl ) between the positive and the negative current biases are far less pronounced at temperatures below 60K. An example is shown in Fig. 6 for T=57.5 K. Similar characteristics have been measured at several other temperatures below 60K, namely, at 4.7K, 10K, and 30K.Indeed, the IVCs have a good degree of symmetry at these temperatures (see Fig.6a). Also, in this temperature range the V(I ctrl ) response becomes aperiodic (see Fig.6b) due to a significant suppression of the flux-flow modes due to a decrease in the dissipation coefficient 1/R N (or damping) with temperature (here R N is the normal resistance of the Josephson junction). A similar suppression of the flux-flow with decreasing T has been previously observed (both theoretically and experimentally) in PAJJs made of niobium low temperature superconductors [4,5].8
ConclusionIn conclusion, we have shown that an inductive asymmetric loop configuration within the array implemented in our PAJJ leads to a significant difference in the flux-flow for positive current biases relative to negative current biases and consequently to a corresponding different qualitative flux-to-voltage response. To achieve both an enhanced current amplification [11] and an enhanced microwave power generation [12] a PAJJ has to be operated in a regime of enhanced flux-flow, i.e., it should be biased with a positive current.The degree of asymmetry of our design can be further extended to enhance the contrast in the directional flux-flow and to improve PAJJs performances in these applications.