Historically, planetary bow shocks, their position, size, and shape, have been characterized statistically with the use of (empirical) analytical fitting models in two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) spatial coordinates. A classical starting point for characterizing the Earth's bow shock in 3D includes the seminal work of Formisano (1979), who investigated the asymmetry of the shock with respect to the apparent solar wind flow direction, with the use of quadratic surface fits with nine free parameters. In parallel, other studies, such as that of Slavin and Holzer (1981) relied on a simple polar equation assuming axisymmetry along the Sun-planet line, corrected by the apparent motion of the solar wind in the rest frame of the planet, the so-called aberrated X axis. The 2D approach has the merit of needing only three free parameters but ignores the potential asymmetries of the shock as, for example, seen at Earth's bow shock (e.g.