In this paper experiments on the fatigue behavior of flat and tubular Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) specimens with three different layups ([0/905/0], [0/902/01/2]s and [0/±45/01/2]s) are presented. The experiments are conducted to study the mechanics under cyclic tension-tension loading (R=0.1) until crack saturation (CDS). Fatigue testing is performed below the critical static load level where first matrix cracks can be observed. Therefore Load Levels (LLs) are derived from crack evolution curves obtained by static tests under usage of transmitted light photography. The shear lag model of Berthelot [1] is applied to the two cross-ply specimens to predict crack evolution. The results show good agreement between the prediction and the experimental data. Deviations can be found in prediction of crack evolution in [0/902/01/2]s-specimens. For predicting fatigue stiffness degradation the phenomenological model of Adden [2] is used. The results show good capabilities for predicting stiffness degradation after crack onset.