Professional Papers are mainly comprehensive scientific reports of wide and lasting interest and importance to professional scientists and engineers. Included are reports on the results of resource studies and of topographic, hydrologic, and geologic investigations. They also include collections of related papers addressing different aspects of a single scientific topic.Bulletins contain significant data and interpretations that are of lasting scientific interest but are generally more limited in scope or geographic coverage than Professional Papers. They include the results of resource studies and of geologic and topographic investigations, as well as collections of short papers related to a specific topic.Water-Supply Papers are comprehensive reports that present significant interpretive results of hydrologic investigations of wide interest to professional geologists, hydrologists, and engineers. The series covers investigations in all phases of hydrology, including hydrogeology, availability of water, quality of water, and use of water.Circulars present administrative information or important scientific information of wide popular interest in a format designed for distribution at no cost to the public. Information is usually of short-term interest.Water-Resources Investigations Reports are papers of an interpretive nature made available to the public outside the formal USGS publications series. Copies are reproduced on request unlike formal USGS publications, and they are also available for public inspection at depositories indicated in USGS catalogs.Open-File Reports include unpublished manuscript reports, maps, and other material that are made available for public consultation at depositories. They are a nonpermanent form of publication that may be cited in other publications as sources of information.
MapsGeologic Quadrangle Maps are multicolor geologic maps on topographic bases in 7.5-or 15-minute quadrangle formats (scales mainly 1:24,000 or 1:62,500) showing bedrock, surficial, or engineering geology. Maps generally include brief texts; some maps include structure and columnar sections only.Geophysical Investigations Maps are on topographic or planimetric bases at various scales; they show results of surveys using geophysical techniques, such as gravity, magnetic, seismic, or radioactivity, which reflect subsurface structures that are of economic or geologic significance. Many maps include correlations with the geology.Miscellaneous Investigations Series Maps are on planimetric or topographic bases of regular and irregular areas at various scales; they present a wide variety of format and subject matter. The series also includes 7.5-minute quadrangle photogeologic maps on planimetric bases that show geology as interpreted from aerial photographs. Series also includes maps of Mars and the Moon.Coal Investigations Maps are geologic maps on topographic or planimetric bases at various scales showing bedrock or surficial geology, stratigraphy, and structural relations in certain coal-resource areas.Oil and G...