Functional MRI (fMRI) is widely assumed to measure neuronal activity, but no satisfactory mechanism for this linkage has been identified. Here we derived the changes in the energetic component from the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI signal and related it to changes in the neuronal spiking frequency in the activated voxels. Extracellular recordings were used to measure changes in cerebral spiking frequency (⌬ ͞ ) of a neuronal ensemble during forepaw stimulation in the ␣-chloralose anesthetized rat. Under the same conditions localized changes in brain energy metabolism (⌬CMR O2͞CMRO2) were obtained from BOLD fMRI data in conjunction with measured changes in cerebral blood flow (⌬CBF͞CBF), cerebral blood volume (⌬CBV͞CBV), and transverse relaxation rates of tissue water (T 2 * and T2) by MRI methods at 7T. On stimulation from two different depths of anesthesia ⌬CMRO2͞CMRO2 Ϸ ⌬ ͞ . Previous 13 C magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies, under similar conditions, had shown that ⌬CMR O2͞CMRO2 was proportional to changes in glutamatergic neurotransmitter flux (⌬Vcyc͞Vcyc). These combined results show that ⌬CMR O2͞CMRO2 Ϸ ⌬Vcyc͞Vcyc Ϸ ⌬ ͞ , thereby relating the energetic basis of brain activity to neuronal spiking frequency and neurotransmitter flux. Because ⌬CMRO2͞CMRO2 had the same high spatial and temporal resolutions of the fMRI signal, these results show how BOLD imaging, when converted to ⌬CMR O2͞CMRO2, responds to localized changes in neuronal spike frequency.R elations between cerebral energy consumption and neuronal activity have been intensely studied since such a coupling was suggested by Roy and Sherrington (1). Sokoloff and coworkers (2) showed that in peripheral neurons increases in energy consumption associated with electrical activity are localized to the neuropil and are approximately proportional to spiking frequency. This proportionality suggested that quantitation of regional brain energy metabolism may provide a direct measure of cortical activity. Nearly all cerebral energy consumption is derived from glucose oxidation (3). 13 C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies have measured the oxidative rate of [1-13 C]glucose use by the flow of the 13 C label into neuronal glutamate pools (4). The subsequent flow of the 13 C label into astrocytic glutamine pools showed that the rates of neuronal oxidative metabolism (CMR O2 ) and glutamate neurotransmitter release͞cycling (V cyc ) are stoichiometrically related (5). The model of glutamate neurotransmitter cycling (6) supported by the 13 C MRS data provides the hypothesis that V cyc , and consequently CMR O2 , should be proportional to spiking frequency of glutamatergic neurons.In this paper we have measured the relationship between energy metabolism and the neuronal spiking frequency in the ␣-chloralose anesthetized rat during forepaw stimulation (7,8). First, ⌬CMR O2 ͞CMR O2 values were derived from multimodal MRI measurements based on the blood oxygenation leveldependent (BOLD) image-contrast as described (9-12). Second, relative sp...