Biodegradation of phenol using Pseudomonas pictorum (NICM 2074) a potential biodegradant of phenol was investigated for its degrading potential under different operating conditions. The neural network input parameter set consisted of the same set of four levels of maltose (0.025, 0.05, 0.075 g/l), phosphate (3, 12.5, 22 g/l), pH (7, 8, 9) and temperature (30 degrees C, 32 degrees C, 34 degrees C) on phenol degradation was investigated and a Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was developed to predict the extent of degradation. The learning, recall and generalization characteristic of neural networks was studied using phenol degradation system data. The efficiency of the model generated by the ANN, was tested and compared with the results obtained from an established second order polynomial multiple regression analysis (MRA). Further, the two models (ANN and MRA) were used to predict the percentage of degradation of phenol for blind test data. Performance of both the models were validated in the cases of training and test data, ANN was recommended based on the following higher coefficient of determination R (2); lower standard error of residuals and lower mean absolute percentage deviation.